Friday, April 1, 2011

Excuses, excuses, excuses... excuses

I know, I know... I promised details on the craft room a month ago.

What can I say... I have a lot of good excuses starting with:

Computer on the fritz... grrrr. I consider myself a pretty rational and calm person so why is it when my computer doesn't do what I tell it to do I go completely M-A-D. So, I finally gave up and decided to "walk away from the computer" to save my sanity.

(My honey tried to fix it yesterday by completely wiping it clean and I totally forgot to have him save all my fonts!!!!! )

Excuse 2:

Ummm.... yes, I am pregnant (read: tired, ornery, sleepy, sick, unmotivated, moody, exhausted, nauseated, you get the point). Can I just say the 1st trimester totally STINKS. You feel like crud and you can't fit into anything but you don't look pregnant you just look like you've eaten way too many Reese's pieces, chocolate chip cookies, and nachos... which I have.

Can't wait to get to the 2nd trimester and the "nesting stage" which is usually when I decide to donate everything I own to Goodwill and remodel the whole house top to bottom... love that stage.
Final excuse- my sweet sister Melissa came to visit me for 2 weeks this month with her little girlies. In the past our visits were full of crafting, cooking, sewing, and shopping. Now that we have 6 kids between the 2 of us it was more like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and sleeping. Our 2 year-olds kept us on our toes. It's amazing what ideas they come up with when they put there heads together.... little stinkers.

We had a great time together and although its fun to craft 24/7 we are in a different stage in our lives now and all we can do is let go of our "to-do list" sometimes and enjoy these little ones while they're still little.

So there you have it. My list of "good" excuses. I'm ready to get posting again with details on my favorite things in my craft room (like the pegboard, LOVE it) soon. Well, as soon as I can get my photoshop elements running (darn computer!)


  1. Congratulations!!!! I hope you feel better soon. That first trimester does stink. Today I let go of my to-do list and had a little fun with my little ones. Sometimes it is hard to remember that once they are grown I'll have lots of time to myself and will be wishing they would just call or come home to visit.

  2. I haven't been blogging much since I've been pregnant too. Your reasons are valid and don't worry... your followers will keep following no matter what. Glad you had time with your sis. Hope the computer gets better.

  3. The beauty of running a blog run the show!

    I'm with you on that 2nd trimester thing...we remodeled when I was pregnant with both of my boys...

    Best of luck with the computer...I have a laptop that needs resurrection, so I feel ya on that...

  4. I love excuse #2! Congratulations! It's always refreshing to hear about Mommy-Crafty-Bloggers living their IRL lives!! I've had you on my reader since way before your move, and I love it when I find a post there, regardless of frequency. Hope you're feeling better soon...

  5. Congrats Kathryn and Trevor! We're happy for you and your new littlie. When are you due?

  6. Aw, congratulations! I just found out I'm pregnant, too, and I have a 2-year-old who NEVER STOPS. Thank goodness I haven't been doing too badly so far. Hope you feel better soon, and looking forward to seeing (and being mighty jealous of) the craft room :)

  7. I'm so excited for you guys! I have been meaning to post before's and afters of my kids' room redo's that I did a month ago, yet here we are...postless :) There is a time and a season, and during this season, there just isn't as much time, but that's okay. I hope you feel better super super soon. You're wonderwoman! :)

  8. PS...I borrowed your 'crafty' pic for my blog...that made me giggle out loud this morning :)

  9. congrats on the new little one! How exciting! Hope you start feeling better soon! (not so you can blog, just so you can fell better.) :)

  10. I have followed you forever and am so excited to share...we finally copied your playhouse :) Seriously, copying is a form of flattery right? Check it out & thanks for the inspiration and idea!

  11. Kathryn,
    Congratulations! I'm so excited for your family! Also, for you and Tiffany! How far apart are your due dates!? Your children must be so excited!
    I have to tell you that you have been so inspiring for me and my new home (it's new to me :O) I'm currently working on Cami's name, on wooden letters, to modge podge scrapbooking paper onto, to make it look like I painted it... we'll see.. Thanks for the tips!

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