Monday, September 27, 2010

We bought a brand new house and are busy, busy, busy, making it feel like it's "ours".

Not to mention doing all that stuff you have to do with brand new houses like:

Building hanging shelves in the garage...

Window coverings for EVERY WINDOW IN THE HOUSE...
so our neighbors don't have to see us in our underwears... your welcome.

Hello expensive btw!! But, it has given me lots of opportunities to practice my immature sewing skills as I am making curtains for all of those windows. Can't wait to show you what I'm learning!!

Painting walls... because I'm just not a beige-all-over kind of person.
I made it for 3 months and just about lost it so now I have one beautiful blue wall in my master bedroom and ahhhhhh, it feels much better. More on that later.

And just a little crafting on the side...
You KNOW I had to make one of these beauties.

What is it about creating something... it just makes me smile.?!?!

You can't see me but I'm smiling right now... ;)


Lynn from For Love or Funny said...

Can't wait to see what you do to make your new home uniquely "you!"

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

What fun! I know it's a lot of work but I'd much rather do all of that work than fix all of the messed up mistakes from other people in an old house (like mine). haha

Love the wreath!

Connie Babe said...

good to have you back...and on the selfish side, i'm glad you're closer to your brother and my sister. :)

Traci said...

I missed your posts! Glad to have you back!

Brittney said...

Wow. I ADORE this!!!