If you are new to nannygoat and you are wondering what we are talking about, 30 meal plan, huh?!
Well, if you want to make dinnertime a breeze, grocery shopping more efficient, save money, AND have your kids love EVERYTHING you make for dinner... then you want to check out the 30 meal plan.
It is ALL about simplifying and making life (specifically dinnertime) pleasant... is that possible?!
Now, if you LIKE dinnertime chaos including you searching through cupboards and flipping through endless recipes TRYING to come up with SoMEThiNg to eat all while your children are screaming at each other (due to low blood sugar of coarse) and begging for treats then you DO NOT want to do the 30 meal plan... enjoy your anarchy.
But, if you like peace and happiness and yummy food then JoIn In!
Step 1

WOW! Love this! I'm going to post a link on my blog today. I have a little Menu Monday and this would be perfect! Thanks for all your great ideas! I'm glad I found you.
Oh and I forgot! I nominated you for a blog award - check out my blog for details! :0)
Thank you for this. I already save a ton of money at the store, but I really need a way to simplify dinner time. This is a great idea and I will mention this in my food blog!
Thanks! I'm going to give this a shot and see how it works for us. With 5 little ankle biters I can use all the help I can get.
Ilove the idea of 30 meal. But what about the side dishes and desserts. What do you do there.
Dear Anonymous,
On the master ingredient list I also have a list of other foods I need to pick up at the grocery store like side dishes, cereal, peanut butter etc. I use my dry erase marker and cross out the foods I don't need to buy on the list. My side dishes are very simple and usually don't require recipes but if your do you could totally print out those recipes and add them to the ring with the 30 meals and to the master ingredient list.
Good luck!
LOVE IT! I discovered that I actually enjoy cooking, it's the planning and the shopping part I have a problem with. The 30 meals plan ROCKS. It takes a little bit of effort getting it going, but once you start it just gets easier.
I actually have 32 meals and we're on meal 8 in my stack of meals.
I can see how this will save us money...no need to go out when I have dinner planned ahead!
Thank you for sharing this awesome plan. My husband and family thank you as well!
thank yo for this. I am going to try it. I love your tutorial on baby legs as well. I actually paid for a pair and no I think why did i do that!?
I found your blog from Little Birdie Secrets. I love your 30 meal idea! I think we might base a RS group around it, we've been looking for a simple meal planning idea to teach and this incorporates all of the ideas we've found into a great package. Could you send me the binder cover pdf? bribeanie at hotmail dot com. Thank you!
I finally did it and am on my way to coming up with the 30 meal plan. I have the first week done and am sharing it with the world...recipes and shopping list. It took me years to do this. If you are like me and don't want to reinvent the wheel, you can find it here.
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Your site is beautifully laid out and provides good info and practical tips.
Well done!
I am so excited about this idea! I linked to your post today on my blog too. Me and J just moved to a new town without a grocery store, and I had to rethink my buying strategies for dinner. You have the perfect solution! Now I can do all my shopping once a week or whenever. Thank you for the great inspiration! ~Myra
Great post! Keep it up the good job.
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I hope you don't mind me sharing the link to your blog about the 30 menus. I described this "activity" to a FACS group I belong to as a possible project for students in a Foods class to do. Something that might be useful in the future.
I wanted to thanks for your time for this wonderful read!
The overall look of your site is great, as well as the content!
Thanks for this nice post
Meal Planner
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