STEP 2: Put your recipes/ meals on individual cards. Like I said, even if you don't have ALL 30 of your recipes picked out yet (it may take a while to find 30 meals you LOVE) go ahead and start copying the ones you have onto individual cards.
There are several ways you can do this but we wanted to have them on the computer so that we could reprint the cards and also easily email them to friends and family.
We found these free recipe card templates here and just used photoshop elements to put in the text then we printed them as 4x6 photos at our local costco. You could also just use a word processor and print them on your printer or even hand write them onto index cards.

After we printed them we laminated each card.
This way at the begining of the week we can pick the meals we want to make for that week and remove them from the ring and put them in in this little card holder we made to stick on the fridge.
btw- We looked everywhere... well almost everywhere, to find a card holder like this to hold our 4x6 cards for the week on the fridge and couldn't find anything which is why we had to make our own. Anybody know where to find something like this?
ALSO, is anyone interested in a tutorial on how to make one of these boxes for your 30 meals cards?and
yes please, I need a tutorial for the box :)
i would recommend the locker accessories part of office max (or such) can cover the plastic.
or the office accessories part...for the organizer things...
this is wonderful! i'm in!
i would love a totorial on the box!
On the fridge! That's genious. I am all about tutorials. This is such a great Idea. I love the master list, way to simplify my life. Thanks!
I would love a tutorial on the box.
Also, what kind of laminator do you have? I am looking into buying one.
The laminator is made by Scotch. I've seen them at Target, Walmart, Mejier etc. This one was about $20 and it works great!
I'd definitely like a tutorial, no need to rack my brain to recreate it. I'm sure I could, being crafty and all, but I always love a good tutorial. It's easier on my brain, lol. I craft because I'm creative, not logical.
P.S. I'm loving this system more and more as I find out more about it. :)
Love the recipe card templates- it'd be fun to use a different color for each meat (pink- fish, green- veggie, yellow- chicken....)
I'd love to know how you made that cute card box, great idea!
(ps love the name Kathryn, that's my middle name... and I spell it the same way!)
Good idea! I love the box on the frige, but ya I do need a tutorial! Thanks for doing all the hard work!
Thanks you so much for the idea! I'd love to see a tutorial. I have 4 little ones too and I totally know what you mean. I've always told people that between 5-7 (dinner and bedtime) is my witching hour. This is a BRILLIANT idea.
Would love a tutorial on the box, so cute!!!
Don't know where to find one, but would love a tutorial.
I have one similar to this that I got at the container store. It has a heavy duty magnet so it always stays in place.
What I really want to know is all the recipes on those cards!!
Yes! I would love a tutorial to make that box!
LOVE your site, and this idea! What you described in step 1 was every night at my house lately, I love to cook, but with four kids six and under it has become more of a pain than anything. I am excited to get started on our list, and I agree with Stephanie, you should post your 30 recipies so we can try them!
I love, love, love this idea!! Yes, a tutorial on the box would be great!
whoa, it's so cool to see what someone's done with my cards! They look awesome :) Thanks for choosing them.
Darling project as always! I don't know how exactly this would work, but the first thing I wondered when I read step 1 was how we could all share our recipes with each other? I'd love some new ideas!
Awesome! I love the concept and was wondering how to organize my 30 meals for the month. Thank you for this!
I already have magnet baskets on my fridge. I bought a set for $6-7 here:
I have a plastic one that's a bit larger than that (it holds my 5x7 recipe cards) and I found it at an office supply store (probably Office Max) years ago.
Oh I would love the tutorial. :) Just found your blog today...big fan. :) Thanks for all your ideas.
Hi! I was wondering about the Cafe Rio Sweet Pork- it says to use 3/4 bottle of salsa, but what size is the bottle?! There are a few sizes out there.
Good point Priscilla, I usually have 25oz. salsa bottles and use 3/4 of that and it has turned out great everytime.
Good luck... you're going to love it, mmmmmmmmm.
I can't get the recipe cards to downlown. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
Huh, I didn't have any problems. If you want I can email the files to you. Just email me at and I'll get it to you.
Awesome project - I am so in need of something like this. Thank you. It is truly much appreciated in my household.
I'll be working on my own box template - to fit the recipe cards I do. ( I'm going to use a stampin up stamp for the cards )
I just joined in on the 30 meal plan, and am very excited, and so ...relieved?.... I rack my brain every night, trying to scramble to make a nice meal for my family.... and some days I just don't suceed. I love it! Have you already taught the tutorial on the recipe box?
This is such a wonderful project! I would love to know how you made that cute little box. I am going to get started on my 30 meals!
Such a cute project! My first thought on the holder for the fridge was to look at all the back to school stuff and find some kind of locker basket or holder that would work.
Love the menu planning idea! Can I just get all your recipes now LOL! I need all the help I can get in the kitchen!
I meal plan, but my cooking schedule is currently jotted down on typing paper & stuck on the fridge. This is sooo much better & organized! I can't wait to get started on this!
This is a great project! For me, however, what seems to work best is simply to print the recipe on a sheet of paper and put it in a page protector. I have two notebooks. One is recipes to try and the other holds the recipes we like. I simply put this week's recipes in the front. It's not as cute as your system, but works well for me. An added advantage is that I can pull the recipe out of the protector and add a note (change in recipe, good accompanying foods, etc.).
Yes, yes, yes...too cute!! Such a good idea and I would love to learn how to make it! With 3 busy ones at home and full schedule, this would make my life SO much easier!!
All I have to say is you girls rock! I'm going to try this!
Try this link...|prodPage~15^freeText~magnetic^paramValue~true^refine~1^region~1^param~return_skus@ryh8rs23|prodPage~15^paramValue~true^refine~1^region~1^categoryName~Desk+Accessories+%26+Organizers^param~return_skus^categoryId~45^return_skus~Y^parentCategoryID~cat_10001&ssp=true&csRedirectSearchString=null&csRedirectSearchResultCount=1&csSearchTag=true&_requestid=1819691
It's not as cute as your box, but I think it might work.
I have used a recipe box with the lid removed and magnets attached to the back
I have a nice silver wire mesh basket with magnets on the back that I bought from It is 8 1/2" wide and 4 1/2"long and about 1 1/2" deep. I keep it on my refrigerator.
Cut off the bottom portion of a cereal box or other food box. Cover with fabric or scrap book paper. Embellish with a theme if desired (owls, jewels, apples, etc) attach a magnet to the back. Place on fridge.
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