Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Worth getting up early

I'm not a garage sale shopper for many reasons:

1. Everyone knows to get the good stuff you have to be there early, no thank you. Saturday is the ONLY day I get to sleep in past 6:30am.

2. I have enough STUFF, I don't need someone else's stuff TOO.

3. My hubby often works Saturdays. Garage sale shopping with four kids in tow = not fun.

Well, recently I made an exception since it was a neighborhood yard sale just down the street. I packed up all of the kiddos and we went shopping and oh the bargains we found. But one in particular... this one:

I saw her from the street and tried to guess the price, $40 maybe $30. I finally got out of my car and literally choked on my own saliva when I read the sticker on the front. Any guesses???

Would you believe the lady was selling this beauty for $5.00!
Silly lady,
doesn't she know what a little paint and new hardware can do...

No more sleeping in on Saturdays for me my friends.


Ter said...

I totally would've bought it too!! Good job!

Tiffany said...

DANG!!! You dun good :)

Jen said...

Wow. What a steal. It looks like a high-end furniture store model.

adrienne said...

I LOVE it!

Mel said...

What an incredible transformation! I Love it!

Christy said...

It is a beautiful piece of furniture. You done good girl. WOOOHOOO!

Michelle said...

WOW! What a great find. Looks great with the new paint job too.

Controlling My Chaos said...

GORGEOUS! That was a gorgeous find. Score for you!

Controlling My Chaos said...

GORGEOUS! That was a gorgeous find. Score for you!

Jessica said...

I have all the same reason for not garage sale shopping too. In addition, I only own a small car so transporting great garage sale furniture finds is difficult at best. But great find for you! I love it!

MaRiN said...

Are you kidding???? I am So Jealous! I would never get that lucky at a garage sale. I love it!

Unknown said...

Oh my Lord!!!

This looks like something you would find at Pottery Barn!!


Megan/Brassy Apple said...

I love a good steal! I could totally see the potential in that baby before you even showed the after pictures!

Score for your team! woohoo!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh. Love. It.
People are so silly.

traci said...

Awesome find. I should have gone out that day, but the light mist kept me away. Weak excuse, I know. I am jealous of your find and yeah, silly lady!!!

Beth- the mama bee said...

Yep, I always find stuff that I didn't know I needed.... good score!

Pam said...

very nice. Our 5-drawer dresser was a garage sale find for $5. I had to use a little wood glue to keep the bottom drawer together. I also replaced the hardware (some were missing) to make it look better. It costs more for the hardware than the dresser, but it was still a great deal. I haven't painted mine, but now I want to. What kind of paint did you use?

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Lucky you! I just haven't had any luck at garage sales. I'm not sure if it's the area we live in or maybe I'm not trying hard enough...all I can find is junk (and I mean junk).

Kari Sweeten said...


blairsblog6 said...

I love the high I get from finding a great deal and transforming it for my home. That is why I suffer through the other yucky parts of yard-selling. Congrats!

JOY said...

Love It!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a find!!! $5.00, that lady practically gave it to you. Unbelievable! Awesome!!! It looks great!!!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Wow! That is amazingly pretty! You did an awesome job finding it!

Alissa said...

now THAT is positively insane!

Jedda said...

I love garage sales!! Well DONE!!!

Lindsey said...

Wow Kathryn! What a beautiful piece of furniture.

Melissa said...

Don't show that lady, she may steal it back.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I love to go to yard sales! I love what you did w/the chest. Will you post what type of paint you used on that, did you prime, sand, etc?

Anonymous said...

LUV THIS! great find!!!!

Anonymous said...

what an amazing find. i'm pretty sure i would have passed it up, if i had seen it. i love what you did with it. now i am inspired!

Kim said...

What a transformation and what a steal of a deal you got! It looks fabulous! Awesome find!!

Wes and Dani said...

That is one AWESOME garage sale find! I am SO jealous! Great job!

Anisa said...

I love garage saleing and go faithfully every saturday in the summer. You totally scored!!! That dresser is awesome. I have the perfect place for that in my house:)

Hana said...

AWESOME!! I need to go garage sale hunting but I'm just not a morning person. Love what you did w/ that piece. Looks FAB!! I live up the road from High Point NC (furniture capital of the world) and have been looking at all the discount, showroom samples, and salvage places trying to find a cottage-esque desk and end table and still haven't found what I want under $200. It's crazy.

Nicole A. said...

This Rocks! I absolutely love this piece and am so jealous! I love dressers with little drawers like that and also love that you painted it black! It is fabulous!

~Kimberly said...

Wow! That is amazing!!! I had no luck this weekend! I had to go before and after my son's soccer game, so that and the rain put a damper on my saturday yard sale venture! I'm thrilled for you though!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

THAT is awesome! You did an amazing job on that! Love the hardware! where did you get it? Did you spray paint or brush? Thanks for sharing!
Ginnie Renner

Skye O. said...

Love it! I see you've been asked this before, but what paint did you use and what was your process?
email back OR I'll keep checking your blog to see. THANKS!!!

MindyMindy said... the way its FABULOUS!!!....but what kind of paint do you use to paint these things? I'm curious. I have a dresser waiting for love and I dont know what kind of paint to buy.

Amz said...

This is fabulous! I can see several people asking the same question as me... What kind of paint did you use?!!!! I would love to know what works the best! You can post here or email me: mikeandamz(at)

Rookie Bebe said...

What a find! I bought a mannequin for $5. Love her. She had no arms and now her legs are going in the trash pile, but the head and torso have taken part in the local haunted house every year. She's still my favorite find.