Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our First Giveaway, WAHOO!

You might have noticed that I made TWO "Spring" banners...
One for me and one for YOU!

Just leave me a comment by Sunday night and I will randomly pick a winner Monday morning.


megan said...

I recently found your site and love it! hope I win!

Jenn said...

I heard about your blog from a friend and I love it! So many cute things and great ideas!

Jessica said...

hurrray! I hope I win because I'm sure yours is way cuter than mine will be.

Connie Babe said...

alrighty...i never win, but i want this i can look at it in person to make happy birthday and holiday ones....thanks for giving all of us the chance, i hope you have a huge number of us to choose from!

Mitzi said...

Pick me! Pick me! It is SO CUTE!! I have been wanting to make one but with 3 kids 3 and under, finding time is being hard.

Anonymous said...

How fun is that! I want a spring banner. Better yet...I want spring. :)

Tiffany said...

K- I don't want to take a chance away from your faithful followers, but yeah, I want this, and I can guarantee I won't have time to make one before summer :)

Kori said...

I would love to hang this in my house to bring spring! I would love to win one, then I wouldn't have to try and copy the cuteness of yours. :)

jamie said...

oh i sooo need this. I'll hang it up while I do my dance to the spring gods asking for spring to come ASAP!

Heather said...

So cute--Kathryn I don't know how you do it. One of my friends in the new ward wants to me to set up a meeting with you so she can meet you in person. It's like knowing a celebrity!

Mindy said...

Ok, I'm in...too

Anonymous said...

please please please!!! i am getting married soon and need decorations!!!!!

Lindsey said...

You have the CUTEST things on your blog!! I would LOVE to win!!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

I just came across your blog a few days ago and love it. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Reeder Family said...

cut blog - i would love to win!

adrienne said...

Ohhh, I want one!

marlene said...

this would look great in my house and it would remind me of you you are so talented

The Morrells said...

I love it! I would love to win! said...

What a beautiful giveaway! I'm excited just to enter!

Kari Sweeten said...

I want it, I want it, I want it!!!

Amateur Steph said...

Holy cow, look at the comments! I love this blog, even if I can't do any of the crafts on it without extreme help.

I think I deserve to win because if I tried to do this craft it would not look like the picture on your blog at all. :)

GRAMS said...

Soooo. cute. I love your blog and am enjoying my visit. Thank you Janis

Controlling My Chaos said...

Well I don't think I can pass this contest up. Your banners are waaaaay cute and I would love one. :)

krista said...

This is the CUTEST banner EVER!

Brooke said...

Oh how cute and oh so fun! I can't wait for Spring and all the flowers!

Have a good evening!


jeanie said...

i love this banner!!

Ashley said...

Too Cute!! I would love to win! I found your site through Tip Junkie. Thank you for the chance the win!

Becca said...

WAY too cute- I LOVE it. Completely adorable. Pick me, pick me!

Lily said...

This is a GREAT site! I'm hoping for Spring, and for this cute banner to brighten our home.

Lesley said...

I'd love to be the winner...but it's just a pleasure being nominated :-)

PS I grabbed your button and it worked, and it makes my sidebar cuter!!

Anisa said...

I've been thinking about making seasonal banners. I can't decide if I want to make them out of paper or felt.... maybe I should do both. Yours is super cute!!!

John and Misty said...

Just found your sight and love your cute ideas!

Christine said...

Very cute! I made a Fall one and now I rhink I need to make a Spring one as well.

tysonandjanasteel said...

This turned out SO cute-like all your crafts!
One of our friends back here in Utah is helping me get my blog up and running...can't wait!
I wish I had more time for crafting, but somehow I find a minute here and there!
Thanks for the tutorial...I've been wanting to make one of these forever. I was sure you were using a cricut-have Trevor find you a super-awesome deal...he is so good at that!
Hope all is well with your cute family-we miss you guys and our fun vacations!

Darth Mama said...

Thatis a very cute banner!

Rebecca said...

I usually only use banner for birthdays and Father's Day around here, but I think I could really start using a banner for any occasion! This spring one is adorable!

mommyabbytommy said...

I LOVE the banner!! I wish I could make things like that! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kim said...

I hope I'm the winner- cause that is too cute- and I don't have the creativity to do that! SO CUTE- thanks!

shauna said...

Love it! I just found your blog through U Create and i can't wait to look around more.

That Girl said...

so cute!

michelle said...

I just found your blog and LOVE it! The Spring Banner is just fabulous.

Sandra W said...

Very cute banner! I'll take a look at the other posts too while I am here :)

From Paci to Pearls said...

I Love this banner! Thank you for doing this, how fun! I would love to win! :)

Kristin said...

So stinkin' cute! I love how bright and fun this is!

Shana said...

how fun! I have the perfect white boring mantle to hang it on!

Cynthia said...

That is adorable. I am terrible at getting stuff done, so ... I had better win it if I want it. Which I do. Very Much!!


shaka said...

What a lovely banner!!

Linda said...

I just found your site. Thank you for the wonderful tutorials. This is so cute.I would love to win this.I've also added your link from my blog to share this cute idea.
Happy Crafting

Kristofer said...

i just found your blog and love it! keepin' my fingers crossed! thanks!

kristofer312 at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

what a cute banner!just found your site and I am loving it!

torinem said...

This is so adorable! Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

So cute! I love it!

Eileen said...

Just found your site - I'm off to make a car seat cover for a baby gift. I have the perfect spot in my home for the banner!

The Acor Adventures said...

I love this banner, it's so cute and festive! I'd love to be the winner!

Marla said...

54 comments already! Geez! You are popular. Don't forget the little people - especially those of us who are NOT crafty - when you're rich and famous! (LOVE the banner!)

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

Hi, I just found your blog today. I love your banner,, so cute. I hope i win. Thanks

Allie said...

Super cute I love it!

Mike & Charity said...

I came across your blog (from Lesley's) and LOVE it! You always have so many CUTE ideas {I have even tried a few}! I would love to win your CUTE banner! You are AMAZING and have a lot of talent!
{You probably don't know me, but you know my parents. Wes & Terri Johnson}
I hope I win!!!

Jessica said...

I just saw your giveaway on Tip Junkie and I couldn't resist... your "Spring" banner makes me so giddy! LOVE IT!


The Ward Family said...

I've become a huge fan of Kari at UCreat and she referred us to your site. What a darling banner. I've relocated to Jersey for a few months and have no decorations from my huge stash at home and would love to win the banner. Thanks!!!
Love your ideas.

blairsblog6 said...

Heather D. said she'd hook me up and we could be friends! (I'm really not as psycho as I sound!) Your blog is really awesome...I hope I win!

angela said...

such a cute idea...i love it!!

Rebecca said...

I have your tutorial bookmarked, but I'm sure yours would be nicer than mine and would certainly go together faster. They're REALLY kewl (as the kids say). Thanks for inviting us to play along.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

WOW! My odds aren't lookin' too good right now LOL!! But count me in I'd love to enter.

the Getschers said...

LOVE your sit, so fun! Count me in.

Unknown said...

Love the banner! Love your blog, you're so creative!

Crystal said...

I love your blog. Everything is so cute and creative. I would love to win

Mandi Roth said...

I love your blog!! It's great! i just recently found it and love all your ideas. i hope i win. Love your banners.

Liz Nicks said...

and here I thought I would have to make one of these on my own... Thanks for sharing!

Cherry Blossoms said...

I really REALLY REALLY love this banner! I need something to go over my fireplace and this is just perfect, so unique and SO cute!
Thanks for letting me enter your fun giveaway...I sure hope I win!

Kim said...

Seriously, SOOOO cute! Happy Spring to you and I'll hope to win.

Melissa said...

Darling!! Brings sunshine into my dreary day. Hooray for spring!

valerie said...

Very Cute!! I love it!!

kinderdiva said...

This would look so cute in my kinder classroom! :) Thanks for all the great ideas!

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HECK? how nice are YOU!!!!!!!!!!
plus---look how popular you just

Ginny said...

How gorgeous, I love it!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I found you on UCreate and love your site.

ScrapnJods0423 said...

I just came across your blog from TipJunkie and I have to say I am addicted already. Can't wait to blog hop and see whats new. Hope I can win, I love that banner.

Simona Walters said...

this is such a cute idea. I'd love to show this off ....

Deb diZ said...

I love that you made one spring banner for you and one to give away. How fun. If I don't win one I will certainly make one for me and hang it up in my office. It will certainly brighten up the place and keep us thinking about spring being just around the corner. Deb diZ

MRMD_GRL said...

Super adorable!!

Becky said...

Your banner is so cute, and I love all of your ideas. Keep them coming! And thanks for the giveaway!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I just found your blog and it is great! Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful banner =)

Nancy Sabina said...

Fun blog! Thanks for the chance to win that cute banner! I tried to make one over Christmas and it was a somewhat pathetic attempt. Maybe i should just leave it to the experts!

Tiffany said...

This is too cute. Thanks for the idea.

Bugg's mama said...

Love your talent!

Josh and Amber Wilkins said...

So cute I hope I win! Thanks!

kristy mae said...

Adorable banner! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Lori said...

I just found your blog yesterday. The spring banner is really cute.

Lindsey said...

You are so incredibly talented! I wish I had half of the creativity talent that you have.

Landlocked Shores said...

Super Cute! Just found you blog and looking forward to reading all the old posts as well as the ones to come!

Angie said...

I love reading about all of the projects you do and wishing that I was that creative. Thanks for sharing your talents!

Jen T said...

Just found your blog. This is sooooo cute! It would look great over my fireplace! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

oohh, oohh, pick me! So cute!!!

Tara said...

I'm feeling lucky! Cute blog...just found you. I will be back to see more cutie things.

The Loesevitz Family - said...

I know I have a slim chance at winning, but it's worth a try... because that banner is AMAZINGLY cute!

So count me in on trying to win!

Wendy said...

It is really cute!

Lisa said...

Cute. I want, I want!

em said...

This is such a cute website, Kathryn and Melissa. Thanks for telling me about it, Melis. I will definitely have to mark this as a favorites! I would love to win this cute banner!!
~emily leger

Heather said...

What a darling banner. Spring cannot come soon enough!


HipChickCreations said...

Totally Love It!
I don't expect to win but I just wanted you to know it is so creative and perfect for Spring:)
Thanks for all your beautiful creations:D

allthingsrobbin said...

Cute cute cute!! Love your stuff!

ali said...

So cute! I hope I win!

Jodi said...

Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and I'm loving so many of your ideas! I love this banner as well! CUTE!

Joanne said...

Wow, this sure is terrific. Hope I win. Thanks,, Joanne ~~

Jenni said...

love the banner, SO cute!!

JS said...

Love getting creative ideas from you guys! Love the banner.. .so cute!

Rebekah said...

If I don't win, I may pay you to make me one of these! I tell EVERYONE I know about your blog. They all LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I love Spring and all the beautiful colors it brings! This banner has those colors and would look beautiful hanging in my house!
Thanks for the chance to win it!


Drew and Michele said...

Count me in... Love it!!

Marci said...

HI! I'm Rebekah Linville's sister. I wanna win so I can brag about it to her! IT would be so funny!

Summer said...

Love your blog and great ideas!!

Melissa said...

Wow, look at you with 113 comments! That must make you feel great. I love all of your creations!

Camille said...

Kathryn, I guess I forgot about your craft blog & am soooo glad I clicked on the link. I want to make one of everything on your blog, they are all such cute ideas. Would love to win your Spring banner!!! How fun to do a giveaway!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

So so so cute, but you know that already right?!

I love the tutorial a few posts below here!

sav said...

pick me, pick me!!!

RBennett said...

Great banner, you are so creative. This looks like a great site.

Melissa said...

I love your banners!

Threebusybs said...

I just found your blog. LOVE IT! I was bummed when I scrolled all the way to the end, I didnt want it to stop. Thanks for all of the great, SIMPLE ideas. My head is spinning with inspiration.


Nurture Mama said...

what cute banner! thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

From Tip Junkie. Love the banner! Too cute!!!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

Its darling! I just found your site via Ucreate! and I am quickly becoming a fan!

thanks for the great giveaway! I hope I'm the winner *snicker*

Hillary said...

So cute. Your site is darling.

JT42 said...

cute banner!

Hyrum and Elsie said...

Such a cute banner!!

Traci said...

I check your blog now and then since Rebekah gave me the address. I love this idea and have it on my list of many "to dos". I work at Michaels but never get the time to do the stuff on my list.

Hayes & Mike said...

I just found your blog and have been crafting all week! What a cute sign!

Danielle said...

This banner is awesome! My little girls would just love to hang it from the fireplace!! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

This would make a GREAT addition to my son's preschool room!

Emily said...

PIck me PLEASE! What an amazing banner!

spittin' spunky said...

Love your blog. you are now on my favorites. And sooo creative. What a cute banner. Being in MN, spring seems so far away. If I win this, I will crank my heat up to 76 and celebrate like it is spring!!!!

Melissa and Cas said...

I am decorating for Spring now and would love to add this in! So pretty!


YZgirl4 said...

These banners are so cute...great work!

Brooke said...

These are fantastic! I'd love one for my home!

Lori said...

I am soooo ready for Spring! This would look great in my craft studio--I have the same green that's under the "R" on my walls....
Thanks for the chance !


Erin said...

So crafty. I love it!

Vicki said...

Although I'm 138 comment, I hope I'm your "random" pick. Regardless, it is so cute Kathryn. How do you have time to do this? You amaze me.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Oh my goodness, how cute! I love your creativity!!!

Hope I win...Thanks for the chance.


Martha said...

Cute banner! :)

postsurggirl said...

I love your banners!!! They are cute as all get out!!! It would look sooooo kick ass at my engagement party and I would leave it up in my sewing room. :) keep up the great work!!

3LittleByrds said...

Love the banner. So cute and creative. I wish I had a ounce of that creativity.