Remember how my house was going to be full of 26 family members for Thanksgiving? Well, they are stuck in Utah because of road closures so while I wait and worry I thought I'd show you some of the Thanksgiving fun we've been having at our house...
This is our "Thankful Tree". It is about 7-8ft tall and my girls cut out a ton of leafs and apples for us to write on and add to the tree.

I love how this helps my family remember how blessed we are!
Look how beautiful it is with all those blessings...

Look how beautiful it is with all those blessings...
If they get here safe and sound that will merit several grateful leafs.
We made these cute turkeys from family fun.
They'll act as a place card holder on our Thanksgiving table.
Well, that's it.
I'm off to worry and wait some more...
Wishing you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday!!