This giant ruler has been on my list of "things to do" since I saw one in my sweet friend Jaimee's house in Kentucky.
Well, I finally "got her dun" 2 years later!

I invited my friend over... since crafting is ALWAYS funner with friends
and we got to work.
(btw- it is "more fun" to say "funner")
We started out with a 8in x 6ft piece of wood...

I white-washed mine but my friend Jamie left hers "all natural"... I don't know which I liked better in the end... I LOVE them both!
Jaimee (in Kentucky... we are talking about two different Jamie/ Jaimees here) lent me her ruler 2 years ago and I made a stencil with poster board (with the grid printed on it... much easier).

This picture shows how long we made the lines to break up each foot into half, quarter, etc.
Make sense?

We started with the 6inch mark since we are hanging the ruler 6 inches off the floor to make room for the base boards and used a black sharpie to fill in the lines on the stencil.
Then we put on the vinyl numbers.
But, something didn't look right...

Can YOU tell what we did wrong?
Of course you can!!

So silly, we originally put the numbers on upside-down!

No worries, we peeled off the vinyl and flipped them around.
We added our last names (also vinyl) and that was all there was to it!!
I can't wait to hang it up and start measuring my kiddos!