It looks very different today
but I'm waiting for a few major items before I show you the "AFTER" shot.
I've been searching the Internet for inspiration and I thought I'd share some of my favorite craft rooms with you.
Sandra from sawdust and paperscraps MADE everything in her craft room with her own two hands! The island is my favorite. Beautiful.
She is currently doing a house tour on her blog.
You have to check it out. You will be amazed by her talents.
Ever wonder what Martha Stewart's craft room looks like?
I did, so I looked it up and here it is. Very simple and VERY clean and organized.
A little too perfect for my taste but lovely none the less. This craft room comes from one of my old Kentucky friends, Melissa at The Polkadot Chair.
Melissa has amazing talent. I have been in her home many times and I swear every corner of it is beautifully decorated. I love that her craft room is busy with all the things she needs out in the open. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this room gets used every-single-day. She is always creating something new and wonderful.

Yep, Heather Bailey's studio. Breathtaking isn't it?!
My craft room will NOT look like this but a girl can dream right? :)