Well, I am officially 33 weeks along and haven't even started the nursery which means I am also officially fReAkiNg out! 

This one has been tricky since (like most of you) we don't have endless rooms and so our nursery will double as a guest room so I have to plan around a crib AND a queen size bed.
I don't want the room to scream NURSERY so I'm trying to come up with a flexible color pallet and design.
I think I know what I am going to do and since time is short I'm just going with it.
This is my "jumping off point"...
A bedspread and some frames I painted and covered with burlap to match...
It's not much but it's a start.
Now it's time to get my hands dirty and start painting.
I'm not going to lie... I'm tired just thinking about it!!!
Which is why you shouldn't wait until you are 8 months pregnant (and anemic)to create a nursery!
On a happier note we FINALLY hung the girls chandelier last night!
Isn't she pretty...

Got to go...
Lots to do...
after my nap.