Hello my 30 MEALS friends!
I know you're out there because I get emails from you everyday!
Okay, we haven't talked about our 30 meals for A LONG TIME solet's chat... how are your 30 meals coming?
Dinners are definitely running smoother at our house and we are loving our 30 meals (actually right now our 25 meals).
In an effort to get a few more recipes that my family will love, last week I had some of my 30 meals friends over and told them to bring their favorite recipes.
We had some treats, traded recipes, and talked and talked and talked (cause that's what us women like to do).
It was great fun and now we are enjoying those new recipes. I know at least one of those recipes is going to make the cut (the whole family LOVED it) and I have lots more to try.
So tell me now, how is the 30 meals plan going for you?
I'm lovin' the idea. I just got started so I haven't yet quite gotten to whole thing going but for me the biggest thing was getting my fav recipes toegther in one place. Now that we've done that, coming up with weekly mus is a breeze.
I am a poor example at the moment, being due with baby #3 this week and not wanting to eat/cook/do anything. But I am hoping that things will get back up and running soon. I am over halfway to making my 30 recipe cards, so I am proud of my progress!
I love it and was doing great until summer hit. Now I am ready to get back on track now that the kids are going back to school! I am actually going to start my own recipe swap group and show ladies in my ward how to do it. Thanks for your help!
I loved the idea, but I modified it a bit. Instead of making a big binder, I printed the recipe cards (including ideas for sides to accompany each meal) and slipped it into a 4x6 photo album. It's just the right size to keep in my purse at all times!
ironically we have been gone so much this summer I never got mine finished! It sure would have come in handy for the days we were home and I was just staring at the fridge wondering what to make!
Share some of the new recipes. I'd love t have them!
I started about a month ago. My position at work has gone full time and I have baby #2 on the way, So I jumped on this idea and I am so glad I did! Thanks!
Just wanted to thank you for this idea! I like it alot, and am planning in the future to do this with my family.
Thank youA
I just started doing this on my own about two/three months ago. I wish I would have known smart girls like you were all ready doing it.
We're doing good on, but I wish I could get together with some friends and exchange recipes. Maybe via online?
I love the 30 meals plan. It works so well for me! Mostly, it saves me time. I don't have to hunt for recipes or try to think of things to cook--- they are all right there on cards on my fridge! Sometimes I feel like trying something new, so I have a "new recipes" binder. If I use it a few times and it's a hit, then it goes on a card. I'm not up to 30 yet, but it's fun testing things out!
I can't handle the idea of only eating 30 different things for dinner, but I used your idea in a way that will work for me. I made a spreadsheet to organize and list the meals we eat. It not only has columns for ingredients, but for source (I didn't copy them all down-- the cookbook works perfectly well.)and cooking method. It makes dinner planning and that occasional "what's for dinner?" last minute rush so much easier. Thank you for sharing an awesome idea that has made my life easier!!
Thank you , again, for this idea!!! We're on 14. It's been great for us, whenever I try a new recipe I always ask the fam for a thumbs up or down so we can add it to our 30 meals. The times I do forget to ask, the kids always make recommendations for our 30! I can't wait to have all 30 meals completed!
I started my binder (used your cover! Thanks!) now in the process of typing out all my cards... then off to laminate :) The ingredint grid will the big step but it sounds like a great thing to have when you are shopping :)
I just stumbled upon your 30 meals plan and am going to jump on the bandwagon! Can you send me your spreadsheet so I can get started?
Melissa was just telling me about this...I need to do this and get some meals organized. I always have a hard time figuring out what to make, especially since there are only THREE of us so far! I will have to give this a try, thanks for the idea!
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