The Pumpkin recipes are AWESOME!
I can't wait to try them all... ummm, like today.
My sis is the best.
Don't you worry, we are still crafting away and taking lots of pictures.
I can't wait to share everything with you!
The Pumpkin recipes are AWESOME!
I can't wait to try them all... ummm, like today.
My sis is the best.
Don't you worry, we are still crafting away and taking lots of pictures.
I can't wait to share everything with you!
As Kathryn mentioned I am here... we are together again at last!! Oh the crafting we are accomplishing. Problem is, we are to busy crafting and feeding the children and cleaning up after the children that there is NO time to post about all the crafting:) That will have to wait till after I leave. ANY HOW!! The reason I am really posting to say...
What can I say about Kathryn? She is just the sweetest best big sister a girl could ever ask for! She is an amazing mother and such a good wife to her hard working husband. She is always a shining example to me. I call her for advise and help all the time and I don't know what I would do without her!
I still want to be just like my big sister!
So I was thinking about a gift we could all give to Kathryn for her birthday and to show her our appreciation of all of her great crafting ideas and inspirational projects...
Kathryn loves all things Pumpkin flavored so I am thinking let's all share with her your favorite pumpkin treat recipes.
She will love you!!
... more than she already does!!!
Now for some BIG news!
Guess who's coming to visit me in Kentucky...
(if you don't know who this is just look at the right sidebar ;)
For 3 WEEKS baby! You know what that means...
There will be a whole lot of crafting going on around here.
Next week we are meeting up with our very creative friends from Amazing Mae, The Polka Dot Chair, and Create a life you love.
Don't worry, we will take lots of pictures and share all of our projects with you.
Also, I'm starting to think about Christmas, are you? I have an idea for neighbor/ friend gifts but I have to try it out to see if it will work first so stay tuned.
PS I went yard sale shopping this afternoon and I hit the mother load! A table saw and china cabinet (that needs a little TLC). SCORE!
Be still my heart...
I Luuuuvvvv it .
Now, here is my banister:
Look familiar?
Censational girl sanded and prepped all of the oak. Southern Hospitality just put on the stain without any prep work.
I'm a little nervous about staining it but how can I NOT do it??
Of course I would also stain the wood on the steps (it is the only hardwood in the house so I don't have to worry about it matching anything else).
Has anyone else out there done this?
What do you think...
should I do it????