because I WANT one...
a Cricut Expressions that is.
My sweet friend Jessica loaned me hers to play with for a few days and I am LOVING it!
I racked my brain for a quick project to test out this magic machine (ps cricut is not paying me for this ;0) and I found an Ikea 10x10 mirror and of course some scrapbook paper.
This tree is on the serenity cartridge... I adore it...

The hardest part was picking out which font to use!
I hear it can cut fabric and vinyl too!
Check out this flower... I am salivating... I need a cricut.

Attention all Cricut owners
Please, I am really considering buying one and I want to know what you think about yours. What do you love? What do you hate? Would you buy it again if you could do it over?
This puppy is not cheap so I would really, really, really appreciate any thoughts on it!
(and thanks again Jessica)
(and thanks again Jessica)
You should have borrowed it before Thanksgiving, that is when they are the cheapest. I LOVE mine!! I use it for so many things, but especially scrapbooking and vinyl projects. If you like to craft you will use it!
Have one...LOVE IT...would buy it again and again...except I would get the expression (I have the little one)...I don't have any complaints about mine, use it to scrapbook, other crafts, cut vinyl and even fabric. Although, my step mom has the silouette...I don't know much about it except it connects to your computer and so there may be more options with fonts, etc without having to buy the cartridges. Just a thought if you want to look into that. Anyway, I really do love mine A LOT. And since I'm more thought on the cartridges, they aren't that bad if you watch for sales, or even buy them online...
I have one too! And I love it!! I use it for EVERYTHING! I even cut out a punch of different cute things with scrap paper before my garage sale and i put them together in baggies and let me tell you EVERY SINGLE BAGGIE SOLD(Im cheap I cant help it)! You can tell your Hubby it could be a money maker in the long run! I love what you made...too cute!
I love mine so much. I even worked for the company a bit doing demos around the midwest. If you're going to get one, get the expression. You'll be disappointed if you get one of the smaller ones. Stock up on mats.
I looked and looked before I bought. . . .and I went with a pazzle. Why? NO cartridge money waste. Yes it will cost you more, but I can cut anything my lil brain can imagine. ANYTHING. any font, any picture (well within reason ;). NO cartridges to buy. Yay!
No, no, no. Don't get one. Get a Silhouette. Way cheaper and you can make your own designs on your computer and you don't have to buy cartridges. I have used mine to death and I love it.
Hi I am a friend of Melissa. I have a cricut expression and do love it! It is great, simple to work,and portable (you don't need a computer and can take it with you on craft days.) Also,it does have the option to connect to your computer for further designs. (However that technology, the gypsy etc..., from what I heard is still getting the kinks worked out so I wouldn't get it just yet.)The things that I don't love are that the mats can lose their stick somewhat quickly, so make sure that when you get them on sale, that you get a few. The cartridges do add up, but you can get them on sale from for a sweet deal every now and again. Also, I wouldn't pay any more than $249 for the cricut expression because it does go on sale at least 4 times a year, especially Black Friday. (Can you tell I check my craft ads! Yikes)
I like mine and it is so convenient, but I haven't worked with the silouette.
Hope this helps.
I LOVE Love love my cricut expression. And you CAN cut whatever you want (any true type font and image) with your cricut. There is a program called Sure Cuts A Lot from craft edge that costs about the same as one cartridge and you can cut whatever you want with it. I hardly ever buy a cartridge unless its really cute and on major sale. :)
I use my expression ALL THE TIME. It cuts fabric, paper, vinyl, stamps, chipboard, you name it. :)
Hope that helps!
Yeah.. You pretty much NEED one! :) I, like you, had been salivating over the Cricut for AGES! The only thing holding me back was the price.. I just couldn't justify it! Last year on the day after Thanksgiving, Walmart had it for $188 with 2 cartridges.. I was there!! I use it for EVERYTHING! And as someone said, when you have Sure Cuts a Lot, it is just that much better!
Have one, love it. If you are a mac user, the Silhouette wont work for you. It's a pc only product. BUT, if you get the sure cuts a lot program, you can hook your cricut up to your computer (mac or pc) and you have the freedom to design on your computer. Awesome way to go. That way you dont have to buy a ton of cartridges.
I didn't like my cricut. I bought it and returned it the next day. I bought a silohette and LOVE IT!! I would recommend that.
I used the Cricut for a while but bought a Silhouette. I fell in love with being able to use my own fonts, designs, and millions of online images to create cuts. Plus the cost for their images is $1! Even if I owned a Mac, I'd get the Silhouette and use it on a friends machine!(Which, seeing as it's really a Craft-Robo machine, the Mac software is available through them, you just wouldn't be able to purchase images in the software.)
LOVE MINE! I use it for all kinds of stuff... vinyl, fabric, applique patterns, scrapbooking, banners!!
I have found the best prices at hallmark I upgraded mine to the larger one at Christmas time (gave the smaller one to my mom)...
I have nothing bad to say about it...
I follow your blog and I wanted to give my 2 cents on the Cricut. I have used it enough to pay for it twice! I just love mine. The only cons I can really think of is:
1. The mats loose their sticky-ness but when that happens I just use spray adhesive to make them streth a little bit longer.
2. The cartridges are pretty expensive, BUT EBay has them for pretty cheap usually, and if you have a friend with a Cricut, you can share. (thats what I do)
Ummm that is about all I can think of. I love it and making cards is even super easy and cheap for birthdays, holidays, or just because. The possibilities are endless and the results are wonderful.
I LOVE my Cricut! I think I will pull mine out tonight. You got me all excited.
I absolutely LOVE mine. I have the exact one that is in your pictures! I make cards with mine and just have so much fun with it. I have also bought the computer program for it and it is just as awesome!! You should definately get one!!
I have a cricut expression and I LOVE IT! I am mainly using it to make the name blocks that I sell in my shop, but have done other projects too! Its great! You can see some of the projects here:
Good Luck! :)
I have been thinking the same thing. I am starting to lean towards the Silhouette. It was nice to read the comments. The no cartridges is very tempting to me.
You know, I bought one for our elementary school (The PTA paid for it but I had to purchase it.) I found the best deal on Home Shopping Network, so if you decide to get one, you may want to check them out! I never would have thought to look there, but really it was so much of a better deal! It was the bigger machine, I think it's called Expression or something. It had all these accessories with it, too!
I use it almost every day. I use it for school projects, church projects, craft projects, really anything.
I have the smaller one and it's years and years old. It's still going strong and I wish it would die so that I could justify buying the Expression!
I've also been thinking about getting a cricut too. I work on a Mac and use Adobe Illustrator and would love to use a machine like this to cut out my own designs. Does anyone know if a cricut or other similar machine works with a Mac and if you can use Illustrator to make and cut your own designs. Thanks!
I don't know how I did any crafts without mine. I would be lost without it. I think every crafter needs one.
I am with you..I "NEED" one when you figure out how to convince your hubby let me know so I can convince mine :)
I bought the smaller Cricut a couple of years ago and loved it. I use it for scrapbooking/cards, vinyl, fabric, and preschool. Recently, at an warehouse sale in Salt Lake, I found a Cricut Expression, new-in-the-box for $80! I couldn't pass it up! The only Cricut downside for me is now I need to sell the smaller one!
I bought an Expression with 2 cartridges on Black Friday for $200. Love it! I considered the Create for awhile, but then decided "go big or go home." I would rather spend a little more & get the one I really wanted instead of settling on something I might regret later.
I use it for vinyl, scrapbooking, fabric.. you name it. The cartridges can be pricey, but if you find them on ebay it's not too bad. I don't pay more than $25 a cartridge with free shipping. Plus, my friends & I share alot of them.
My vote is to go for it & get it!
I have the Cricut Create (it's a smaller version) and I LOVE it! I've used it for paper and vinyl but so far I've made banners, platters, etc. I would recomment getting the software that goes with it (I use make the cut) because it pretty much gets rid of the need for the cartridges!
Mt sweet hubby bought me a Cricut for Christmas. He got a great deal on it after Thanksgiving. I use it all the time and love it! The only thing I'd do differently is spend the extra money and get the Expression. Hope this helps!
God's blessings,
Sarah :D
Love my expression! Totally worth it! Try looking for one on craigslist or ebay. I got mine for 150. Thats is where you should look for the cartridges too because they are so pricey.
You need to check out:
My Pink Stamper!!!
Please email me and I will give you some personal info! and I will be honest!
Cricut-vs- Silhouette
I have a cricut and now as I speak (will type) I am using my cricut with Sure Cuts Alot to cut out New Moon letters for my t-shirt for the DVD party!
Honestly email me!!!
I will probably not be really around til saturday!
I am with you on that. I wish...someday. Sigh.
you will never regret it once. plus you can use it on tons of different things (so many things, it's ridic).
my mom got a great deal on hers at wal-mart...and sometimes you can get great coupons for Michael's too. it's amazing...amazing. but you already know that. you will get your money's worth within the first week.
I got an Expression on Black Friday at WalMart for 189. If you can wait, that's the best deal. I LOVE mine. The neighbor girl comes over to make paper dolls with me and my boys like to help make letters for their projects. I use my swagbucks to buy cartridges on-line. With all the crafting you will use it all the time!
Looking forward to seeing what you decide.
Love love love mine, but now I love it even more because I also got the Gypsy which allows you to DESIGN a whole page, and then print it at once - and a whole lot more. I would say the only negative thing to the expression alone is not being able to utilize ALL the paper space, like you can with the Gypsy! Start saving girl! By the way - love the site.
almost bought one online on HSN today but couldn't stomach the cost. Will be interested to see what you think of yours!
I am thinking about getting one... Keep us posted on the pros and cons if/when you make the purchase!
Thanks for asking about this. I've been thinking about asking for one for my b-day, but every description I've seen confuses me on which one and how to use it easily. Would love more info on these.
I just got mine for my birthday (the create, not the expression) and when I opened the box they had a flyer for this site...
Seems to be way cheaper than most places, especially when you use the code 'thankyou' for an extra 10% off!
Also, read on a cricut message board if you wipe your mats down with a baby wipe after use, it gets all the paper scraps off and the stickiness will come back when it dries. Works, I tried it myself!
Just buy it... You won't regret it, I own the personal size my only regret is that I didn't splurge on the expression! I have cut vinyl and paper, but they are capable of cutting much more. They even have a $75.00 program you can buy and hook directly up to your computer {saving money on all of the cartridges}...
I have a Craft Robo which is the same machine as a Wishblade. I think the only difference is what software ships with it, but don't quote me on that.
If you think you would prefer to be able to buy prepackaged sets of cutting files, the Cricut could be for you. Especially if you are a scrapbooker, I can see the appeal. You can buy software (SCAL, Make the Cut) to connect it to your computer, too. The cartridge are NOT CHEAP.
Since I'm NOT a scrapbooker, I prefer the complete freedom to design whatever I want and just send it off to cut. Essentially, whatever I can "draw" (that means whatever CorelDraw can draw, ha ha), I can cut. Even better, I can print something on my printer and have the Robo cut it out! (It has the ability to register your printed design with your cut lines.) Now THAT is awesome.
Here's an example:
First I printed the cards, then sent them through the Robo to score the fold lines and to cut the cut lines.
Extreme Cards and Papercrafting
I did think of one thing that I don't like about it. All of the images have very strict copyrights. So if you ever wanted to sell anything made with it, you can't... Like you can't cut vinyl and sell it or make t-shirt appliques with the shapes and sell them...I don't know if that is something that you are interested in, but just thought I'd share.
I got a cricut for Christmas! I have made tons of b-day cards, scrapbooking, and my kids love to have me cut out lettering for their posters. They need to make posters in middle and high school for lots of classes. The thing I don't like about it is the cartridges are pricey!!! We have a scrapbook group that meets once a month and we share cartridges so that takes the sting out of the price, a little.
I absolutely love my expression! I originally bought the personal when it first came out, then I sold it when the expression came out, so I could purchase that! I have made some of the cutest flashcards for my little boy with mine, as well as other fun scrapbooking things! I use mine for vinyl too...I also have a big vinyl machine, so I don't use the cricut too much for vinyl. If you are going to buy vinyl for your cricut, buy it from ebay, under sign vinyl...not cricut vinyl, they charge an arm and a leg! You will have to cut it down to the proper size of the mat....but that is worth it!!! At craft stores it's like $10 for 2 small 12x24 an get a 24 inch by 10 foot long roll for about $10 or less on ebay! You can cut fabric too buy applying heat and bond to the back of the fabric first! It's definitely worth it!
I would love, love to see what people think - I want one! But, I'm a graphic designer, and like someone mentioned above, I'd like to be able o design my own stuff in illustrator - I was leaning towards the wishblade, but holy $600! I'd love for some feedback too!
have you looked at the silhouette? You can get the SD off ebay for about $140, designs are only $.99 each, and all the fonts on your computer can be used on the silhouette, not to mention you can design your own stuff (and yes it cuts vinyl too)
LOVE mine! had a small one for 2 years and just got the big one a year ago. i suggest getting SCAL it let you cut any font or dingbat on your computer. its great, and you can trace images too or create your own font, that way if you do want to sell anything you won't have to worry about copy write if you make the design yourself!
look what i made for my bedroom
love love love mine! worth every penny! got mine on black friday though...for 179.00 from walmart...
you should check out this blog, she's all things cricut, and always has giveaways! and some times she gives away the machince...
Have one and LOVE It. The only way I convinced my hubby was to wait until the Black Friday sales and Wal-mart had them for $188 for the cricut expression. I got a red one :) Get the cartridges on e-bay!
I'm so glad you asked this--because I've been dying to get one too!
Btw--love your blog, I will definitely be back!!
Love mine. I got the big one for Christmas. There is a program out there on the computer SCAL ( sure cuts a lot). You down load onto your computer and you can cut anything. No cartridges needed! Plus you can create your own images. Love that. No more cartridges. You might want to look into it.
for the mats run them under soapy water, rinse with plain water and let air dry it will bring back the stickiness
If you want the best machine out there, check out the KNK. Go to and check out all that it can do and cut. it is more expensive than the Cricut. But once you buy the Cricut and all the cartridges, you will have spent WAY more. And the software is SOOO versatile and can do WAY more than the SCAL can. If you can imagine it you can cut it with this machine. You can scan in an image and make it a cutting file. And color images too. You will not believe what it can do. I LOVE mine. Have fun, which ever machine you get. You will not believe all the things you will cut once you get one!! They are fabulous!!! Really the sky is the limit,vinyl, fabric, felt, fun foam, and you can emboss, and all other kinds of things!!
You should check out the quickutz silhouette (also sold under the craftrobo name cheeper by about $50 because it isn't the name brand) I think they are about 250 for the craftrobo (really they are the exact same though). You can still cut out vinyl and scrapbooking stuff with it as well as heat transfer material for clothing, it is pretty cool. They are cheaper and instead of having to buy cartridges you plug it into your computer and can use any of the fonts you have installed. You can pretty much cut out whatever you want. Anyways, hopefully that helps some.
Try Ebay-I got mine for $150 brand new. And then use the third party software sure cuts a lot so you don't have to spend a fortune on cartridges-you can just use any font on your computer (and since you can download a zillion free fonts-it works really great!) for pictures, download the free software inkscape and you can turn any clipart/picture into a svg file to use on the sure cuts a lot. With those 2 softwares (SCAL is about $75 and the inkscap is free) The possibilities for the Cricut Expression are endless!!!
LeAnn again!
If you buy vinyl buy it from
the addy in salt lake is 300 west
3300 south.
Died and going to vinyl heaven
Always check the prices before you buy! You can always find new for around 25-39 buck. And I have never bought it off ebay!
Always with craft sites!
email me!!
Silhouette SD is the only way to go!!! I had a circuit on loan for over a year and really did love it but then I had been given access to 8 cartridges for free. When I realized that I wanted one of my own since I saw how much I used it then I researched and shopped around for almost a year. They aren't a cheap purchase so I wanted to be sure. My final choice was to do the Silhouette since it was an AWESOME machine and it was WAY more cost effective. I do a lot of font printing so being able to cut any on my computer was a huge selling point and then NO expensive cartridge costs and not loving all the designs on it. Look into and if an Scrapbook Expo is coming near you then go and check out the demo. Also, see if Silhouette SD TV Offer is still available. That is how I ordered it and it was cheaper that way and you get a ton of free stuff!
Thanks for this post! I have been wanting to buy a cricut machine and now I will be making the purchase this week, found one on ebay brand new for $199 with free shipping!
I had both the original Cricut and the expression, now I only own the Silhouette. BONUS you can sell items you make with the Silhouette. I love that I have a monthly membership for $14.95 a month and have unlimited downloads( I mean unlimited) in addition to on online forum called Paper Threads. They have all kinds of tips and these women can help you fix any problem. I use my lap top so it is portable and my 8 yr old son loves it, so do my neighbors and friends. There are also tons of free downloadable GSD files (usually for personal use only) on the web. You can't go wrong with the Silhouette. Only draw back is size is limited to 9x13. Mats are more expensive than Cricut so I just use a coupon at Michael's for a Cricut mat and trim them down to 9x13 and the work just as well as the Silhouette brand. Good luck.
I LOVE my expression! I just made some chore charts with it and I do all kinds of paper crafts too. It makes personalizing things so much easier.
I use my expression daily and I too use it to make a little money. I originally got mine for $200 (Oh my crafts) they always have a 20% off discount code so you can get them for $200 year round! Anyway I bought 5 cartridges and then went to the Sure cuts a lot software! Love that! No more cartridge buying. I use it for everything, paper, vinyl, fabric, foam, etching, soo much more!
A cricut is a must for any crafter. I love mine and have sol all of my friends on them. If I had to do it all over again I would buy the expression in a heartbeat. I love my original, but really wish i could make boxes and envelopes. I bought Sure Cuts a Lot and only regret not buying it sooner. So easy to use and you can cut anything out that you want. It works with all fonts on your computer. I have had my Cricut for 3 years now and I have only bought 4 cartridges. (I do swap with ladies I know). Worth it!!
I own the Cricut Expression (or will when I make my last 3 payments off their pay to own program!) I have tinkered with it but until my hubby gets my craft room done (which is soon), I don't have much room to mess with it. I have about 5 cartridges, including the two it came with. I am frustrated because I do not yet own Make the Cut or SCAL, so I am bound by the images on the cartridges I DO own. Unfortunately, everything I want to make that I've seen someone else do (like you), is on a cartridge I DON'T have! LOL's a lot of money to spend on something that "just cuts out stuff," but if you have a need for a lot of that, it's worth the money. I like the ability to cut out vinyl the most. I am very addicted to vinyl wall quotes and have spent way too much money paying someone else to do those for me until I got the Cricut Expression. If you are a crafter (which you are), you should get one! But before you invest a lot of money in cartridges (which take up space to store), buy the SCAL or Makes the Cut cartridge so you can go hog wild online with free images!
I own the Cricut Expression (or will when I make my last 3 payments off their pay to own program!) I have tinkered with it but until my hubby gets my craft room done (which is soon), I don't have much room to mess with it. I have about 5 cartridges, including the two it came with. I am frustrated because I do not yet own Make the Cut or SCAL, so I am bound by the images on the cartridges I DO own. Unfortunately, everything I want to make that I've seen someone else do (like you), is on a cartridge I DON'T have! LOL's a lot of money to spend on something that "just cuts out stuff," but if you have a need for a lot of that, it's worth the money. I like the ability to cut out vinyl the most. I am very addicted to vinyl wall quotes and have spent way too much money paying someone else to do those for me until I got the Cricut Expression. If you are a crafter (which you are), you should get one! But before you invest a lot of money in cartridges (which take up space to store), buy the SCAL or Makes the Cut cartridge so you can go hog wild online with free images!
oops...sorry I posted that twice! My computer hung up and I didn't think it went through the first time! LOL
For those people who want to know if you can design your own images in illustrator and cut them with the Cricut... YES!
You can use Illustrator (or Inkscape which is free, for those who don't have illustrator) to design your own vector images to cut on the Cricut or tweak one you find. I do it all the time!
LOVE LOVE Cricut + SCAL. I liked it before SCAL... but only loved it WITH SCAL.
Cricut, yes!
Expression, definitely.
Buy extra mats? No, just wash mats when they begin to loose their sticky-ness with warm water and soap.
Then spray with Quilting Adhesive Spray.
I can't speak from experience, but I've heard that the program "Make the Cut" is better than "Sure Cuts Alot." Not sure if that's true... but something to check out.
I love my cricut and I would highly reccommend it to anyone that enjoys doing any crafts or home decor. I can't wait to try some home decor things with the vinyl.
We LOVE your project and bought 20 frames at IKEA to recreate it for a baby shower favors. But we have a few questions
How did you attach the tree and letters to the frame? What exactly did you use Modge Podge on? Is the whole image sealed or is the paper just on top of the frame?
I don't know how I did any crafts without mine.
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