If you feel so inclined please take a moment to donate to help find a cure for cancer.

"March 18th, 2010 we went to the doctor because our two-year old daughter, Elena, was low on energy, had a low fever, and was developing bruises on her legs. We were rushed to the emergency room at Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake, and found out the earth-shattering news that Elena had High-Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, ALL. We however are extremely grateful that today this type of cancer is not the death sentence it once was. Elena is now 6 months into treatment and is doing well. She still smiles nearly constantly. It is (insert correct word, I can't think of one that adequately describes this feeling.)... as we think that we would have buried her months ago if we hadn't gotten her diagnosed, or if the cure didn't exist.
Although most children (about 90% of ALL kids) like Elena do beat this cancer it remains a grueling journey with many risks. Elena will get chemotherapy until she is almost 5 years old. Like many before us we are participating in a study to help improve treatment. One of the drugs she gets, Oncaspar, is very effective, but an unacceptably high percent of patients have severe allergic reactions to it, some life-threatening. The study we are on is comparing this drug to a new type of similar drug that researchers hope will have the same benefits with milder side effects. So far Elena has not had a reaction to Oncaspar. This research is very expensive. And much needs done.
Please help our children in the fight to cure childhood cancers. We are raising funds to help with Leukemia research by participating in a walk on October 9th called "Light up the Night." We are trying to raise a fortune by that date to help fund leukemia and lymphoma research. Childhood cancer research is SO underfunded - generous donations are desperately needed so that we can improve treatment and eventually find a cure. Even $1 helps. Please visit our Team's Page HERE to donate. Donations are tax deductible.
Elena thanks you!"
ALSO, my generous friend Cassidy will be donating the proceeds of all sales from her etsy shop to Elena until October 9th so go check it out HERE.

Elena is in my ward. She and her family are amazing! Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting about this Kathryn! Briana (Elena's mom) is one of the most WONDERFUL people I have ever known, and like the post says, every little bit helps!
absolutely adorable! i'm glad she's responding well to the meds.
Thank you to everyone who donated...Team Elena had a goal to rasie $3000, $100 for every person that was going to actually walk on Saturday and they SURPASSED their goal!
I'm guessing from a few of your posts that you're LDS. There is a family up here in Washington that went through the same thing a couple years ago and she is as happy and energetic as ever. I can't imagine everything that this little girl is having to endure but I will definitely keep her in my prayers.
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