It has two 1inch tiles with a picture of each one of my kiddos on the four sides.
I love, love, love it!
She can make one for you too. Just go to her etsy shop and click on "request custom item".
Yep, I pretty much wear it everyday.
Thanks Traci!
Still not crafting...
instead I am potty training...
my 2-year-old that is...
I would much rather be crafting!
Thank You ,
Thank YOu,
Thank YOU!
I can't tell you how much your comments about our move to Richland, Washington have helped me!
Everyone who lives there or near there seems to love it and that gives me hope that we will love it too.
I'm still cleaning and organizing and not crafting... sorry.
Between Christmas and now getting my house ready to sell... well, crafting is not high on the list. But, no worries, I can never go very long without creating something!
And until then I am looking at YOUR blogs and enjoying YOUR creations.
Wow, you people are talented!
Speaking of talented, my friend and neighbor (and visiting teaching partner- Yes, I am LDS for those of you who asked) Traci at Amazing Mae is making me a soldered glass pendant necklace with pictures of all my kiddos. I can't wait!!
Have a wonderful Monday!
This is what I've got so far...
My front porch swing. Here's the before.
Wondering what is above my cabinets??
It's fake grass and I love it!!
See my funky framed chalkboard in our loft/ craft room/ playroom? I still love, love, love it!!
And of course you remember that $5.00 dresser the "silly lady" sold me.
Inside the playhouse of course.
This is my girls room with their "blooming" dresser.
Wow, what a year it has been for nannygoat, thanks to all of you!!!!
Really, I can't tell you how much fun we have had and how much we love to read your sweet comments and see your projects. Melissa and I do this blog totally for fun because we love to craft and we love to share our projects with each other. Actually, that's how the blog started. I moved 1600 miles away from Melissa and so I started a blog just so I could show her pictures of my projects on the new house and she could tell me what she thought.
I never imagined it would turn into what it has. This year nannygoat's stat counter has gone from a few hundred hits a day back in January to now thousands of hits every day.
Holy Cow peoples!
Thanks for reading friends.
And now a re-post of nannygoat's most popular post of 2009.
Here it is:
(originally posted 6-11-09)
I little over a year ago my hubby told me he wanted to turn the attic above the garage into a bonus room. I thought he was CrAzY since the only way we could do it financially was if we did ALL of the work (and when I say "we" I mean "he") and he is a very busy resident. Not to mention the fact that he has never built a room before.
I want to put up a little roof face that comes out of the wall with wood shingles eventually but that is at the bottom of a long list of things to do so we'll see. Until then I think this iron piece gives it the shape of a rooftop.
Remember, I am just learning (notice I didn't say "can't", baby steps people) how to sew. These curtains are actually placemats I found and loved the colors so I just folded over one side and made a seam for the curtain rod.
This window is perfect for puppet shows too! Here is the inside of the playhouse.
See the artwork display in the back? Just a 1x4 piece of painted wood with clips mounted on it.
Easy! Remember the silly lady that sold me a dresser for $5? She also sold me this gold framed mirror for $3... I love that silly lady.
I spray painted it with a high gloss turquoise and put the kid's "dress-up" clothes next to it. I swore years ago that I would never paint anything orange in my house...
You should never swear. ;)heehee So there you have it. Our new playhouse.
P.S. Literally 5 seconds after I took these pictures my two-year-old came through and destroyed all of my "staging" efforts. Real life at our house is NeVEr this clean. ;0