Sunday, May 24, 2009
Need a teacher gift???
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Worth getting up early
1. Everyone knows to get the good stuff you have to be there early, no thank you. Saturday is the ONLY day I get to sleep in past 6:30am.
2. I have enough STUFF, I don't need someone else's stuff TOO.
3. My hubby often works Saturdays. Garage sale shopping with four kids in tow = not fun.
Well, recently I made an exception since it was a neighborhood yard sale just down the street. I packed up all of the kiddos and we went shopping and oh the bargains we found. But one in particular... this one:
I saw her from the street and tried to guess the price, $40 maybe $30. I finally got out of my car and literally choked on my own saliva when I read the sticker on the front. Any guesses???
Monday, May 18, 2009
Picture Matching Book
Sunday, May 17, 2009
What the heck it the 30 meal plan?
If you are new to nannygoat and you are wondering what we are talking about, 30 meal plan, huh?!
Well, if you want to make dinnertime a breeze, grocery shopping more efficient, save money, AND have your kids love EVERYTHING you make for dinner... then you want to check out the 30 meal plan.
It is ALL about simplifying and making life (specifically dinnertime) pleasant... is that possible?!
Now, if you LIKE dinnertime chaos including you searching through cupboards and flipping through endless recipes TRYING to come up with SoMEThiNg to eat all while your children are screaming at each other (due to low blood sugar of coarse) and begging for treats then you DO NOT want to do the 30 meal plan... enjoy your anarchy.
But, if you like peace and happiness and yummy food then JoIn In!
Step 1

Friday, May 15, 2009
30 Meals: Step 4, Final Step :)
The beautiful thing is once I've gone through all my recipes and divided them among the pockets I can finally THROW AWAY all of those recipes that are crowding up my cupboards, YAY!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Weekend Crafting
A cute cheap outfit with flowers that I do love!
While I was making flowers, I decided she needed a giant flower!
I am loving to applique these days!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Power of the Mind
I've found in my life if I tell myself I am capable, smart, strong etc. I become those things. It is not "the secret" it's the truth and really I think it's, in a way, showing my Heavenly Father gratitude for the body/ mind He has given me by being positive with myself.
I tell my kids all the time "you become what you think" and here I was "thinking" that I was incapable. So it hit me one day, I CAN do those things. I may not be GOOD at them but the only way to get good at them is to keep doing it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sleep-lover needs advice
Problem is that he has a 2 year old brother he has to share the room with and I'm worried that they will be waking each other up throughout the night and I really like to sleep... I also like happy, well-rested little boys... I'm nervous.
So, I am asking for advice.
I know I'm not the first person to put a baby in a room with a toddler. Any tips/ tricks?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mr Linky is having issues
Apparently some of you guys can no longer see mr linky on our recipe swap post (thanks for the heads up Lindsey) and so you can't get to those yummy recipes... don't panic ( I would totally be panicking because I've already bought the ingredients to make those recipes!)
I'm going to just list/ link them below. Here they are:
Kristy Staker a touch of country Laura Michelle
Pixeltrash (Tami) Amy Martinez Katrine
Kari @ Ucreate Jeanie Crystal Kristine
Heather @ Cookie Mondays Brassy Apple
Stephanie btw I made this one on Sunday, SO easy and my fam loved it (we served it on rice wrapped up in a flour tortilla with ranch, mmmm)
Did I miss anybody????
There you go. Anybody else tried any of these recipes? What do you like so far?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Refrigerator Box Tutorial