Saturday, October 31, 2009
Spool Dolls
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ornament Wreath

A few weeks ago Melissa and I found these beautiful ornaments at... get this...
The Dollar Tree!
Seriously, go there today and buy them before they are all gone!
(this is why we crafters have to plan ahead!)
I followed this tutorial and it was looking SO PRETTY! I went to hang it up on the door and take a picture to share with you when I slipped and ...
Dropped it!
Half of the balls broke off and I screamed and tried not to cry.
So if you'll excuse me... I have a date with my hot glue gun.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Skipping October
October has been a cRaZy month. We started the month out in Idaho and ended it in Florida.
not one.
So, I thought I would share my SPOOKY banner and glitter pumpkins from last year.
At this point I don't think I will pull out my fall decor either ( can you say party pooper?).
I'm thinking Christmas.
I know, I know, it's only October but when you're crafters like us you have to plan ahead right?!
Christmas crafts here we come.
Oh, and we have a GREAT friend/ neighbor Christmas gift idea for you!
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Special Day Chair Cover Tutorial
REMEMBER: Don't get ahead of yourself, make sure you are sewing your letters on before you sew anything else together. Trust me on this one... it will make your job MUCH easier!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
My Special Day
This is one of my FAVORITE things Melis and I made while she was here.

We got the idea from Little Birdie Secrets, here.
You can use it for any special occasion... who wouldn't feel special sitting in that chair?!!!
Seriously, so so so fun to make!
I got to be the first to use it on my birthday (while eating my favorite pumpkin dessert, YUM). Let me tell you, I felt sPeCiAl! ;)
What do you think... Want a tutorial?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Don't be cheap and lazy like me: Glass Etching
Well, Melissa is gone and even though we still have a house full it seems so quiet around here. We ALL miss her and baby Avery (especially her little... okay, not so little high-pitched squeals ;).

Back to life I guess which is kind of a bummer for me but hey, fall is here and I LUUUVVV Fall.
Time to start sharing all of our crafts, wahooo! We were soooo busy and have a lot to share with you.
I thought I would start with my first attempt of glass etching.

I wanted to do a scalloped edge around this raised bowl. So, I followed this tutorial at Create Sudio. Well, I kind of followed it up until it said "dump a ton of the Armour Etching Cream on to your stencil" at which point I thought -This stuff costs $12.00 I'm not wasting it- so I laid out a thin layer of etching cream and lived to regret it.
After washing it off it looked terrible! Needless to say I had to do it again to try to even out the mess I made. In the end it turned out fine but next time I do this make no mistake, I will follow the directions instead of being cheap and lazy (oh, and she says you can reuse the etching cream so it is not so wasteful... so there you go).
ANyway, here is the result: