Oh my goodness, did you see this owl Joy's Hope made??? So, so, so, cute!
Well, you know I am learning how to sew so I love little projects like this to give me some practice.
This is my "boy" version for my drooling little 6 month old. I didn't have the wide ribbon for the sides so I just used some thinner ribbon I had and I found these huge buttons, perfect for big owl eyes and if little Davis pulls them off they are too big to choke on. So that's good.

Definitely not perfect but I'm improving and the best part is I LOVED making it.
Seriously, loved it so much that I totally lost track of time and was supposed to have dinner over to a new neighbor tonight. I had to throw something together last minute and when I tasted it later (after I had already taken it them) I was so embarrassed.
Seriously, it was yucky... whoops.
btw I know I'm probably not the best person to do sewing tutorials (ha,ha not even close) since I'm a novice myself but I did take pictures of the process so let me know if you want a tutorial on how I made the owl... it will probably be comical to all you talented seamstresses out there. ;)
I love it. It's si had to think of things to sew for boys. This would be so cute to make for gifts. The picture of the awning is on tracis sister in laws blog. There is a link on her blog it is called the pAinted lollipop. Just look in the archives.
Sorry for all the typos. I'm posting from my phone.
See ya
I need that tutorial for the owl...so cute!
I couldn't see an email on here for you so if you could, would you please send it to me...bitsybling.com @ gmail.com
Yours is so cute! I couldn't help but make one either:
Write a tutorial I totally wanna see. :)
You did an awesome job! I would definately love a tutorial! I am trying to learn how to sew myself and let me tell you I am badddd...I love it and these are great for little ones, my little guy would love one!
I wany a tuorial and I a not experienced either so you will be speaking my language.
yes post the tutorial! Really, really cute- I've been wanting to make one- and I like that it's boyish, that's what i need too.
Please share. You do realize that really everyone just loves new projects whether they sew well or not. Plus, to have something you can make quickly is the best thing when looking for a baby gift. Your owl is so cute.
So cute! You did a good job on your "boy" one. Love it!
I LOVE THIS! I want to make one that looks like my Ucreate owl. You are SOOO TALENTED!
the owl really is so cute. love it! I would love to see the tutorial.
Holy cow, I just spent way too much time on your blog. The 2 of you do so many cute things - I need to try them all. Love your style. Love your projects. I'm off to make baby leg warmers for my new nephew - born yesterday! Thanks for the ideas!
Love it! Need it! My email is princessalison2002@juno.com.
Thanks!! Alison
PS: LOVE your blog!
too too cute. hope I can make a few of these for my sis's baby due next month.
Fun! I would love the tutorial. girlsinthesticks@gmail.com
I saw the original tutorial that JOy's HOpe used and thought it was a good idea (but didn't do it.) Now that I have seen both of your versions, I definitely HAVE to make one! So cute! I linked at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com
Cute owl. I think I need to make one for myself! I would love your tutorial. BTW, I'm so far from a professional it hurts, no need to worry about being embarased by you photos here!
I have an idea...
I think we should trade. I like yours way better and I don't think your little guy would be too mad about the pink.
Just throwing it out there.
I gave you an award on my blog: http://delightfuldwelling.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/its-great-to-be-a-blogger/
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