Found the coffeeshop blog from my friend Traci at Amazing Mae where you
can get free actions for your photoshop. WAHOO!
For those of you who don't know what an "action" is, basically someone else does all the work (messes with colors, levels, layers, etc.) so that all you have to do is click the mouse and it takes your pictures
from this:To this:
Do you like the vintage look? Then try this one...
From this:
To this:
Or if you just need a "little perk"

From this:

To this:

gotta LOVE it!
Find all of the great coffeeshop actions HERE and have fun playing with your pictures!
I love that first action. Since my computer went haywire during the ice storm I have lost all my actions on Photoshop. Now, after seeing how much I love them with your pictures, I need to get back on them!
thanks for the link to the free ones... I'm off to download and try...
I bought the ones at itty bitty actions a while ago and they have been well worth it... i hardly leave a picture alone any more...
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