I saw these
here with a link to a tutorial
I HAD to make them!!!
Mine turned out like this...

(gotta love that spit up:)
...stockings too BIG and babies legs too SKINNY.
Still cute though!
I will be purchasing more tomorrow!!
I, like Ashley from makeitandloveit.blogspot.com, thought that parts of this tutorial were just a little bit confusing. So I thought I would do a tutorial of my own because like she mentioned, they are SO easy to make. Honestly, you can make a pair in 5 min.
Here goes: (warning: 1 million pictures!)

Make the above 3 cuts in your socks.
Now make your last cut as shown above. Cut more or less off the bottom to make a bigger or smaller cuff (for older or younger bebes).
You will now take the larger piece and flip it so the right sides are together.

Take that same piece (soon to be your cuff) and close the open edge with a zig zag stitch.

Your cuff is well on it's way. Now turn the long part (leg) inside out.

Start to turn your cuff right side out... but not all the way.

Just till it is exactly in half. (folded edge towards the leg, unfinished edge toward the toe).

Simply slide the leg up so it is even with the cuff.

Move that cuff closer to the leg.

Even closer, till it is inside the leg.

In a little more.

And just a touch more so all the unfinished edges are together.

Move that same piece to the sewing machine, place your foot on three layers of fabric (2 cuff, 1 leg) and sew all the way around (line up the right edge of your presser foot with rough edges).

Since the cuff is a little smaller than the leg, you can pull on the cuff to stretch it a bit while you sew. (Don't stretch the bottom layer.)

Once you have made it all the way around, go around one more time, this time sew right on the rough edge.

This is what it will look like.

Flip out that cuff.

Now turn it right side out.

Toss those little scraps and WALAA!!!

You made BABYLEGS!!!
The blue pair were made exactly the same way, I just cut the sock a little higher above the ankle than the green sock for a shorter BABYLEG.
Let me know what you think and if you need clarification I can do that too!
** Melissa **
So STINKING CUTE! I love that baby's bright little eyes. She looks like a baby doll. The leg warmers are adorable and remind me a bit of the 80's. Love it!
your tutorial is WAY better than that other one! i just posted pics of the ones i made too! cute! i love them! i am baby leg crazy... seriously i sew all the time now. we need to do a sewing night together or something, that is if we can get the babies to sleep! are these the socks from ross?? if not you better tell me where you got them RIGHT NOW!!! =)
I love the baby socks!! You are going to think I am crazy but at what age do the babies stop wearing the baby legs. Have a friend that just had a baby and she really won't need any until next winter. Is 8-12 months too old to wear them. Please respond because I really want to make some.
Dawn, I have seen them on babys even older than 12 months. I say that there is no age limit, as long as you still think they are cute (and you will, even past 1) go for it!! :) little boys can wear them too and they are really great for little crawlers knees!
SO cute! I have always loved babylegs. My 5 year old daughter would even love them for ballet class during the winter. By the way, your blog is fabulous. I am doing a little post about it on Monday :)
Okay, those are just darlin'! I wish everyday that I was as crafty as some of the other women that I see on blogs. I have always loved baby legs!
These are SOOO cute and I'm loving all the pictures in your tute! I'll be linking.
Great cuff! Loved all your pictures. haha. I've wanted to make these for a few months, but I can't find knee highs!!! Where did you find them?
Amy Jo,
I happened across these striped ones at Ross but have never found any there again. Mostly I get them at Target. Regularly about 3 pairs for around $6 or on clearance 3 pairs for $4.88. Hopefully you have a Target close to where you live!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post the pics. I'm very visual and have to see the instructions. I love these baby legging and can't wait to make them!
I've been wanting to make babylegs for a while and your tutorital is BY FAR the best one I've found! Love the step by step instructions with the pictures! Keep the great ideas/tutorials coming!!! Thanks! I'm addicted to making these!!
I just made some today for my 18 mo old and they turned out great! Next time I'll cut less off of the ankle cuff part because she's pretty chubby, but great tutorial!
This tutorial is fan-freaking-tastic!! I've been looking at baby leg tutorials for the past 45 minutes and this is the first one that was actually clear!! Thanks so much. I'm going to make a pair or five or six for my sproutling tomorrow.
Thank you so much for this tutorial! I have been wanting to make these for awhile and finally got around to it today. It's getting cool our and my little one needs something for her legs whens he's wearing dresses. I just made a pair out of some red Christmas socks that I have. I have an entire drawer of socks that I never wear, guess what I'll be doing with them!
Your tutorial made it so simple! Even for a beginning crafter, like me!
Thanks so much! I made these last night. Super easy, and Super cute.
Thanks again.
I linked this on my new craft blog here: http://aloadofcraft.blogspot.com/2010/02/baby-legs-part-2.html
Thanks for the great tutorial!
I LOVE this tutorial! I LOVE the babylegs! I feel so ripped off at paying 12 to 16 dollers for these, no more!! Im going to make enough to match all my girlys clothes!!
that was alvins wife.. :)
SO CUTE! I made some of these the other day, and they were SO EASY!! Thank you! I even posted about them and linked back to you for the awesome tute :)
LOVE these!!! And thank you for the absolutely fabulous tutorial. My daughter is 10 now, but these would still make great leg warmers. I have a 2-year old niece who may be getting quite a few for her next birthday! All of my girl-expecting mama friends must get a pair, too. :-)
Wow, I have to try these...love the idea and the looks of the added cuff!
Thank you so much for sharing! I just came across the most comfusing tutorial EVER and sat reading it over and over... and still didn't understand! So thanks for spelling it out for me :)
I just made these for the first time today. I didn't have a sewing machine and I can't sew that well but they still turned out awesome! My son is 5 months old and I love having these on him! I bought a 3-pack of knee socks for $3! I was so excited! I am going to make more for my daughter(7) and arm warmers for my sister(12)! They will love it! THANKS AGAIN!
I tried this method but made a crucial mistake somewhere along the line. I need to see it done for me live I guess. It's just the way my brain works. I found this video which made them even easier to make (if that's possible)! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LjRiJ8kNio
I can't wait to make more!
Thank you for posting this! I'm a novice sewer and I've made 3 pairs of them now for the new baby due in February. The pictures were so helpful!
Are these women's socks?
They are womens socks. They have a lot of cute ones to chose from at Target:)
I make these for my 5 year olds! They just go to their knee instead of being bunchy on their legs. Great for skorts...which we are also addicted to!
Carrie Robinson
Brantford Photographer
Robin's Nest Photography
Thanks for all the pictures and instructions! These are definitely the cutest DIY baby legs I have found!
Awesome tutorial... I just wish I had seen it before throwing out all my knee socks with holes in the toes. Can't wait to make some of these for my daughter, my son, my nephew, the neighbour's kid...
You should end a crocheted leg warmer with a few rows of the same length so as to create a "cuff" that will hold the leg warmer in place. Once you have a cuff, you can cut off the yarn and weave in the ends as usual.
This is awesome Melissa!! Thank you so much for the super easy tut to follow. I think I'll be hitting up on the store on my way home today to pick up some socks for my little man. ;)
Just made a pair of holiday baby warmers for my son (who just turned one). They turned out great. So easy. Perfect for one of my first sewing machine projects. I think if I had a girl I'd make these in every color in the rainbow!
Just made these and they turned out great! Totally also just linked your blog to mine as a reference for my inspiration! Thanks for all the photos along the way! You're a great teacher!
Love these, and have a new great niece expected in June. I can now put being a sewer and a sock queen to good purpose! I am also, however, a bit of a dictionary geek. The term you were looking for is not "walaa", it is "voila". Cheers, and thanks again for the thorough and easy to understand tutorial!
Great information on your site here. I love this post because we can get some useful information from your blog. I expect more post from you guys.
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