School is out tomorrow and we plan on a laid back summer with only a few short get-aways. I don't know how your kids are but my kids need some kind of schedule during the summer or there is a lot more fighting and "mom, I'm bored" going on.
So, I'm working on a plan.
First things first, WORK. Yep, I'm mean like that.
I'm a big believer in the importance of teaching my kids how to work. I believe it builds self-esteem, patience, understanding, compassion... character! Not to mention the fact that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY I can keep my house tidy with 4 kids at home 24/7. It has to be a group effort.
So, I've started filling out this chore charts. I'm using it more as a checklist than a chore chart. these are all the things my kids need to do before they can play.
Like I said, I'm mean like that.
You might have noticed "memorize" on the check list. I got this GREAT idea from one of our readers Shauna. She talks about the importance of memorizing things so when you need them you can recall them.
I love the idea of filling my kids minds with uplifting thoughts/ poems/ quotes/ scriptures especially since one of my kiddos tends to think negatively.
So, every week we are memorizing something new and everyday they have to work on it before they can check it off their list.
I print up the quote using photoshop elements and then I put it in a sheet protector and hang it on the fridge so everyone can see it. When we are done with it I put it in our memorization binder and pull out the next one. After we've done several we will go back and do them again. I wanted to start off with something easy so the kids won't feel overwhelmed so this was this weeks thought.
Everyday we will deep clean a zone together (entry, a bathroom, laundry room etc.) and then I will set the timer (this idea comes from my friend Angie years ago) for 10 minutes and we will do a quick pick up for the rest of the house.
That's my plan. What is yours?????
PS Thanks to Kristine who is my wonderful walking buddy. For the past few weeks we have been "fine tuning" our plans for the summer and she always gives me so many good ideas. I'm basically copying her plan. ;0 What would I do without you Kristine?!
Awesome! I love this idea... I'm totally going to copy it :-)
Thanks for the link, i had not seen that blog before. Sydney would love to have Hallie over to play this summer, we need to make sure we set something up.
Love the chart idea!
I plan to work tues wed thurs throughout summer so cody will be in a summer camp daycare those days. I'm also busy finding overnight camps so he can have different experiences. This is alot of work to juggle and plan for but I know it will be worth it in the end.
Normally I'd have my trailer parked up at our fav campground all summer so we could dash up whever we desired. This year is different, first time in around 10 years I won't be spending summer up there (finances etc are tighter) so I'll admit I'm abit at limbo, wondering what to do at (gasp!) HOME during summer! I hope to have some hacking away at the renos time too.
Thanks for your chart idea, it's cool and makes them responsible for themselves as well, which generally, who has time for during a busy school morning?
It's not mean, it's being a good mom. :) I'm going to store this idea away for when my kids are older and in school.
I think it's a great idea... maybe I'll have to work on that one!!!
I love you blog! You have such fun ideas. I have an award to pass on to you! Link on over to my blog!
Thanks for the link love, Kathryn. :)
Great ideas! We're doing summer camp at home this year starting next week. Activities, outing, reading about the specific theme. I have blogged about my idea. I'll try to give ideas from our themed weeks on my blog.
I totally schedule out my summers! In fact, we just did a post on this topic;
I first figure out what my goals are for the summer. What does each kid need to work on (phonics, spelling, math, etc) and make up a schedule and a curriculum for each of them. I already have a daily chore chart that we follow. I also figure out what is important to me to do during summer, and include my kids input on these ideas. I then actually schedule those events. If we don't have a specific day to go to the water park, we just wont do it! On a daily basis my kids have to be up by a certain time (sleeping in some, but not a lot). Then, we eat and go straight into chores. Once chores are done we jump right into an hour of school time. I've made it fun, and it's only Tuesday through Friday. My sister and I also run a summer camp for all the family. With just cousins, Nana, and the Aunts that amounts to 12-15 people including 8 children! Fun, right!? We have done this for a few summers now. It's one day a week and is based on a theme a day. My sister and I decided what was important to each of us to be teaching our kids, and that's how we came up with our themes. It's always lots of fun for the kids, and hopefully is providing them with priceless memories with their family and of summertime!
I stumbled across your blog and love this idea. Except how do you print your own stuff in it? Do you have a special program you go to? Thanks, Jamie
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